Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Food Glorious Food!

As promised here is Mrs Speed with her report on the culinary delights we have experienced....

You'll be glad to hear that your children are not wasting away! Breakfast usually consists of eggs cooked in a variety of ways; I have to say that Sarah has made the best scrambled eggs so far. Mr Knight supervises breakfast and the duty team of three 'willing' helpers report to him at 06:30.

Sri Lankan bananas are always available- small, sweet and stubby they provide an excellent 'pick you up'. The Sri Lankan equivalent of Red Bull! They can also be eaten if you are feeling a bit delicate but, touch wood, we have had no dodgy tummies so far. All the fruit is delicious: pineapple, guava, watermelon plus other delicacies we would not try at home. Bananas are sold from the roadside hanging by their stalks. There are also many stalls selling ramboutin



these are a bit like lychees.......delicious.

We have eaten lots of Sri Lankan curries at the bungalow. The kitchen is, let's say, rudimentary, but the cooks manage to produce two delicious meals per day. Perhaps all the physical labour also helps to build up an appetite. Who would have thought that cucumber curry could taste so delicious! Right from the word go the students have been keen to experiment with their food ; on the first night Cassie ordered a crab curry and lived to tell the tale !

A Sri Lankan curry consists of lots of different side dishes - a variety of delicate flavours which create an overall taste sensation. The picture above shows a typical vegetarian curry which Lucy struggled to eat.


A typical curry meal at the bungalow. The noodles are delicious. However, you do need to serve yourself quickly before the flies descend.

The Srl Lankans typically eat with their fingers but we are sticking to cutlery.

Anything with devilled in the title is best avoided as Eddie and Mrs Clarke found out. Mrs Clarke had a nasty incident with a chilli which brought tears to her eyes. Our chefs are doing their best to ensure that we try a range of Sri Lankan delicacies including hoppers - a cross between a crumpet and a crepe.


They taste better than they look!

As far as drinks are concerned we are sticking to bottled water. We have also developed a liking for ginger tea - served at the project on our breaks- it tastes so good after a morning's work. The pre- school children also take their break in the morning and they seem happy with a plate of dahl - no tuck- shop for them.

Of course, not all the children are total converts as you can see below...




Trying out belly fruit - Apparently cures constipation and diarrhoea (aptly named)


Andrew trying out bread fruit curry.

I must also mention the bread man who comes around at about 11 ish whilst we are working. His theme tune is a welcome sound as it indicates that work time is nearly over!

Our meals out have been enjoyable experiences but there is no such thing as fast food here; service can be very slow but, who cares, when there is usually a fantastic view to distract you.

All in all, the students are truly embracing all things Sri Lankan with food being no exception.

I write this during EQT and this afternoon we are due to attend the opening ceremony of the centre. This has been an amazing experience for all concerned. Travel does broaden the mind - many students are already planning their gap years!

Mrs Speedxx


  1. So many different types of food, what a way to broaden their eating habits.

  2. Wow- the food looks great, especially the noodles. We are all looking forward to you cooking us a Sri Lankan meal when you get back Ed.(maybe not devilled though!)

  3. Strange to think while we are reading this blog you are at the opening ceremony and your work has come to an end. Envious of some of those dishes, how lovely to be cooked for twice a day. Am I right in thinking it's someone's birthday out there in a couple of a days...curried cake maybe? x

  4. That fruit looks delicious, hope you are all having a great time and enjoying the different delicacies out there. We hope that the opening ceremony went to plan and maybe see some pictures up later. The Machins

  5. Hi Issie, hi everyone,

    Thank you for the post card - Mary Blount had better watch out (or start to blog). Just back from two wonderful days in Sussex - successfully avoiding the rain. Tomorrow off to London. James back from his trip to Cornwall in the evening. Really looking forward to you coming back home. X

    Mum and Dad

  6. Hey Chloe and everyone

    The food looks great, I know Chloe is a big fan of curry so she'll be happy. Really looking forward to seeing you again Chlo, it seems like months!

    Big kisses

    Mum and Dad

  7. I'm glad you're not starving Bobby. Thankfully there's pizza. I hope you did try some of those wonderful dishes though. Mum's op went OK although somehow she managed to lose a tooth! Back home tomorrow. Next step is to stop her moving for two weeks, very difficult methinks. I'm sure you all did yourselves proud at the opening ceremony and I hope we can see pictures of when the furniture was presented.
